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2 January 2012

Magazine Research-Double Page Spread

The double page spread presented is one taken from NME's take on the traditional pop domination.The magazine features pop artists such as Britney Spears and bands such as girls aloud. Despite girls alouds stereotypical pop genre, the magazine appears to have presented the band as being quite punky and rock-like. Although this could mislead the readers by giving an incorrect first impression of the band, it also enables the band to fit in with the continuous running theme of the magazine and may even be a way to attempt to attract a wider audience range by featuring a pop band in a rock music magazine.
     The layout of the double page spread appears to be relatively simple which works effectively as monotonous colours such as black and wide avoid too much distraction from the text and allows the images to become much more bold and striking. Seven images appear to have been used throughout the spread, one posed specifically for the article and the rest are of the pop artists performing or of people pop is associated with. The posed image acts as the main feature dominating half of the first page. This teamed with an black and therefore bold, eye catching headline which appears to be a clever twist on one of the girls alouds hits and the snappy two line introduction to the article in italics (to differentiate from the headline) allow the reader to be fully introduced to the spreads content and what sort of things it will cover. The use of pull quotes dotted in a large and bold font taken from the article again helps give an insight into the spreads content. The article itself is written in a very enthusiastic and narrative way giving brief overviews of the genres past and over emphasising the shock of its great success. The use of enlarged letters for the start of specific paragraphs enables the author the split the article up and indicates where the article changes topic. A black text box is also used to contrast against the white background and allows the short mini article it backs to stand out against the larger article. This smaller article features short snappy facts which are associated with the spread yet isn't appropriate to feature within the main article.

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